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DevOps - Development and Progress

The phrase "transformation" signifies different things to different individuals depending on the context, and the same is true for the term "digital." As a result, there will be no easy answers when it comes to Digital Transformation. However, for the sake of this discussion, I define digital transformation as "the transformation of technology that may be exploited to radically change how you operate and offer value to your consumers." This article attempts to explore some of the most prevalent areas around using DevOps methods and concepts and provide some clarity on how to incorporate them into your digital transformation path.



Before that lets understand what is DevOps.

What is Dev ops?

The phrase DevOps is an abbreviation for development and operations. It refers to a collaborative or shared approach to the work performed by its application development and IT operations teams. In its broadest sense, DevOps is a mindset that promotes more excellent communication and collaboration among these teams – and others – inside a business. In its most restricted sense, DevOps alludes to the utilization of iterative programming improvement, robotization, and programmable foundation sending and support. Building trust and cooperation between developers and system administrators and aligning technology projects to business goals are examples of culture shifts. DevOps can transform the software delivery chain, services, job roles, IT tools, and best practices.

The DevOps movement is so pervasive that it's hard to believe it's only a few years old. DevOps arose from a fundamental necessity and is built on a simple yet strong philosophy: business performs best with coordinated and collaborative efforts. As a result, its expansion has been rapid. 

Several well-known firms, including Netflix, Amazon, and Target, have begun to reap the benefits of this new approach. 

Benefits of DevOps 

When development and operations teams collaborate, lead time is reduced, deployments are more frequent, and higher-quality software is produced.

DevOps in digital era

I'll use an enterprise context, such as banks or telecom companies. Banks and telecom companies have many end-users / consumers who interact with their service providers through numerous channels such as websites, mobile apps, ecommerce development apps, and social media platforms. As a result, developing and continuously improving software to support these multiple channels and media with the optimal user experience becomes critical. As a result, to enable enterprises to innovate quickly and provide their customers with the most significant possible expertise, technology and technology teams must undergo massive transformations to meet this demand.

Because technology and the technology team will play a crucial role in improving the organization's ability to deliver services

DevOps guarantees that software achieves the intended quality level ensure a smooth development and deployment process, provides the correct balance of security and operational needs and improve the overall user experience. 

What function does DevOps play in this digital transformation journey? Let's look at many aspects of digital transformation and their relationship to DevOps to answer this question. 

The following are critical elements of digital transformation in which DevOps plays a crucial role: 

Customer service:

Customer experiences may make or ruin your company. As a result, it is critical to give an excellent client experience. DevOps, in my opinion, may function as a healer in these situations because it allows you to build, test, and release software more quickly, respond to customer feedback more effectively, and manage customer expectations.

New Technology Integration: 

This is one of my favorites because of the rapid adoption of new-age technologies like containerization, server-less computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) in enterprises. Implementing these evolving technologies is causing enterprises to seek the DevOps approach because it is compatible enough to deal with, manage, and test these models faster and bring their ideas to reality to serve their consumers better.

Workforce enablement:

No one can deny that digital and mobility are transforming customer expectations and the way businesses interact with them. As a result, the company must ensure that its IT team has the proper tools and technologies to explore, experiment, and develop software more quickly and effectively. This is readily accomplished with the aid of DevOps adoption, which allows them to automate and optimize their operations and workflow without wasting critical time and effort. 

Operational agility: 

Given the rapidity with which businesses are being impacted by digital transformation, they must understand and align these new and shifting priorities. By embracing DevOps, firms are breaking down silos, embracing collaboration, and infusing the elixir of agility to provide a better customer experience while ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.

Culture and Leadership: 

Every successful digital transformation and DevOps implementation requires a leader who can build an atmosphere and culture that encourages cooperation and sharing. This can only be accomplished by providing all stakeholders with clear visibility into the process and workflow aspects, including development, testing, release, and consumer feedback. DevOps can provide essential data inputs to configure telemetry for transparent visibility.

This is only possible if all stakeholders have clear visibility into the process and workflow stages, including development, testing, release, and consumer feedback. DevOps may help by providing critical data inputs for configuring the required telemetry for transparent visibility.

Author Bio:

With over 10 years’ in experience in financial and non-financial research and analysis, Ankita C Behani moved on to set up IQecommerce, a leading multi vendor ecommerce marketplace platform in Canada which helps convert the businesses’ dreams of having an online store into reality. With her detailed research and unique insights, she helps clients visualize, create and enhance their online performance leading to full digital transformation. Ankita has successfully delivered numerous Ecommerce consulting and development projects for global clients and offered insightful digital marketing solutions. She is passionate about her work and loves to travel and shop.