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5 Mobile Apps every Business Owner Needs

Mobile Apps


The productivity website that took the web by storm post-covid has been an app since 2018. Notion is a project management and note-taking software that will help it’s users become more organised and stay on track. Notion is essentially a catch-all notes app. Instead of holding all information entirely in your head - losing dates, times, and tasks to poor memory – utilise notion to keep your to-dos centralised.


A big draw of Notion is the fact that it is customisable. What one business owner needs from organisational software will almost never be the same as what another does; notion solves this problem by introducing many customisable features to suit your needs.

Users have praise for the visual setup as well – the focus the team gave to a visually pleasing app paid off. With such a large portion of the population being visual leaners, an aesthetic app will help drive your productivity.


It is incredibly interesting to track the uses of artificial intelligence since it’s inception in 1956. What was once an entirely abstract idea that involved machines learning and essentially thinking for themselves is now an everyday part of our lives. Everything from online advertising, web search, and even self-driving vehicles is built with AI.


This is where Grammarly comes in: the cloud-based typing assistant that will review your text and “make it better”. As a business owner, it is almost impossible to be 100% perfect in every email you send, every memo you write, and every draft you make. Let the Grammarly mobile app do the heavy lifting and download it today.


The Xero accounting software is primarily used and designed for small and medium sized businesses. Xero utilises a single unified ledger which is accessible from multiple platforms from wherever you want. Xero receives consistently high reviews from it’s users and is a valuable investment for your business.


The mobile app has also been praised as a value-adding extension to the software. The ease of employees being able to submit timesheets and the ability to manage your accounting remotely cannot be overstated.

The Xero mobile app is a valuable addition to your home screen.


Microsoft teams isn’t just the app that got us through the pandemic: it is Microsoft’s signature communication tool with functionality so well thought out and practical it has become a staple in offices around the world. Teams’ greatest asset is its connectivity to the greater Microsoft suite and the mobile app is no exception. Along with the OneDrive app, the team’s app will keep you connected from anywhere, anytime.


This app is a dynamic and flexible asset to any business owner that already utilises the Microsoft suite.


Even before the onset of the pandemic, we were all beginning to realise what an important role mental health played in our lives. So, when headspace was first launched in 2010, it filled a market AND a health gap. Using the apps guided meditations has been shown to increase wellbeing, reduce depression and anxiety, and improve sleep.


Life can be very stressful and hectic for a business owner and self-care can fall further and further down your list of priorities. Take time out of your busy day for yourself with the meditation and reap the rewards.

Life can get a little bit messy sometimes as a business owner. So, it is imperative that you have the best possible tools at your disposal to make life that little bit easier.