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Effective Types of Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Shopify Store

The Shopify platform is an e-commerce platform that enables you to set up an online shop and make sales. Besides being one of the easiest e-commerce platforms to set up, it has all the necessary features that you'll ever need.

Shopify Store

But then, setting up a Shopify store is one thing; getting people to patronize your store is another. Not to worry, with these marketing strategies, your Shopify store will be visible and profitable. You can personalize your marketing strategies to suit your brand and target the right audience.

Below are some marketing strategies that you can use to maximize your Shopify store:

1. Take advantage of social media

In order to be on top of your e-commerce game, you need to be intentional with social media marketing. Find your customers on social media and be wherever they are. By knowing which social media platform your target audience frequents, you can then easily target them with ads. And mind you, people spend long hours surfing social media platforms. They stay longer on social media pages than on websites.

Taking advantage of this will be beneficial for your business. Since more people spend so much time on social media, your business has a higher chance of visibility. Also, frequent updates from your page will build more trust for your brand.

You can integrate your Shopify store with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This will make your products easy to share on these platforms, and with just a click, your products can be visible on different channels.

2. Make use of Shopify chatbots

Making use of Shopify chatbot practices is another great marketing strategy to boost your store. Shopify chatbots will help your business increase sales by interacting with your visitors and existing customers without being online. The AI chatbot will engage your users as a human would.

With an online chatbot attached to your landing page, customers who click on your links can get replies to their questions right away. Also, a Shopify chatbot will recommend products with their videos and pictures. This hugely reduces the sales cycle turning time into profits.

In the cases of abandoned carts, the chatbot app will remind customers of the items in their cart. In addition, Shopify chatbots can collect contact data and quality leads for future use.

3. Create quality content and SEO strategy

For you to market your products consistently and effectively, you have to always be in the faces of your customers and prospects. Remind them about your brand. For this to be possible, you need a well-planned strategy.

Create contents that are engaging and insightful. Content that is just about you and what you offer may not be effective. You can provide contents that will both introduce your brand and add value to your audience.

In addition, you can write blog posts and subsequently answer questions and confusion that users may have encountered. It may not be promotional, but you have to choose what will capture the attention of your target market.

Also, you must make use of SEO to optimize your store. Use the right keywords that your customers will be searching with. Write detailed descriptions for your product pages, and introduce videos to make your offers more engaging and appealing.

4. Get people interested in your products

For you to create a demand for your products, you have to be the one offering the best services in your industry. Wise consumers tend to buy products and avail of services that bring solutions to their problems. Provide them that solution to their problems and rest assured you’ll get the most attention.

This will create a remarkable differentiation between your products and that of competitors.  You can leverage your audience's pains and problems if you know them well enough. If you can relate well to their struggle, they will be willing to buy whatever you are selling.

Your customers must be the focus of your business. Make them the hero and your offers must fill the information gap. You can achieve this by delivering value and transformation. Understand the market you are dealing with, and be innovative with your strategies. Also, get updated on the newest trends so you can offer revolutionary products and services from time to time.

5. Make use of influencers

Influencer marketing is a sure way to gain users' trust. With the right influencer, you can move from zero to a hundred. Collaborate with influencers in your niche as they already have a good number of audience bases.

A simple validation from an influencer about your Shopify store can convince a whole lot of prospects to patronize your brand. If your products satisfy them, they are likely to become loyal customers.

However, this approach might not come cheap. Some influencers, especially those with already a huge following may require a significant fee. On the other hand, some influencers are just happy with your freebies.

6. Try the competitive pricing strategy

Pricing is one of the fundamental aspects of online shopping. Buyers on Shopify stores will gladly choose a shop with a lower price for a product. Everyone wants to cut costs while getting quality, right?

Fix the price of your products based on your competition; doing this will get visitors trooping to your store for sure. Also, make sure your profit is intact, don't run at a loss by trying to beat down your prices. Instead, you can get your supplier to give you discounts.

7. Ask for reviews

Before shoppers buy a product from your shop, they will look at reviews from previous customers. How can you prove that your products are worth it if previous customers cannot attest to them?

It's no news that dissatisfied customers will leave a well detailed negative review. On the other hand, positive reviews may be harder to get, even from really satisfied customers.

The best way to get positive reviews on your store is by asking your customers. When they have received your products, ask them to leave a review. Most times, buyers forget to leave a good review, and you just need to remind them.

Also, you can offer points or incentives for reviews. This way, customers will be more interested in dropping reviews.


With the Shopify e-commerce platform, you can build and run your online store effectively. Shopify has a series of features that can make your user experience more enjoyable. Also, you can integrate an AI chatbot for a more seamless experience.

For you to be successful, you must market your Shopify store. There are various ways to do that. You can maximize social media platforms, create good content and use influencers in your industry.  Also, you can optimize your shop and encourage more buyers with positive reviews. Encourage your customers to drop their experience using your products.